Chemical Bingo
Chemical Bingo Generator
Chemistry teaching resources to help students learn.
Sample Chemical Bingo Games produced by the Bingo generator
- Chemical symbols of the Periodic Table
- Elements of the Periodic table
- Chemical ions
Chemistry vocabulary (Nuclear model and Periodic table)
Make a Chemical Bingo Game
Instructions on how to make a Chemical Bingo Game
- Copy and paste a set of 20 to 30 chemical symbols or chemical formula into the 'Bingo data' text box. Four sets of examples are given below. No need to inlclude the heading.
- Please enclose any charges with { } brackets. eg. Mg{2+}, N{3-}
- Modify the data input to your class requirements. eg. Change the spelling of aluminum (US)/ aluminium (UK), add another item like MnO4{-}, permangnate ion
- Select the number of students in your class
- Select how many items to fit per line across the page. The default is 8. If your chemical bingo game contains large items like "Hydrogen carbonate ion, HCO3{-} then select 4 items per line.
- To reverse the items select Yes on the Reverse items button. ie. If you want student Bingo sheets to contain chemical names instead of chemical symbols or formula.
- Hit the Submit button to generate your chemical bingo sheets as a pdf document.
SAMPLE CHEMICAL BINGO DATA - Copy & paste any column into the 'Bingo data' text box
Symbols (20) | Symbols (30) | Monatomic Ions (25) | Acids, Bases and Common Ions (20) |
H, Hydrogen |
H, Hydrogen |
H{+}, Hydrogen ion |
HCl, Hydrochloric acid |
- Each student is given a chemical bingo sheet which contains 20 games.
- The teacher reads from the Chemical Bingo call sheet for a particular game. Start at No. 1
- Students must only play the game called. Eg. If the teacher calls items from game number 8 then the students can only cross off items from game number 8.
- If a student has the item the teacher calls for that game they cross the item off their sheet.
- The student who correctly crosses off all 8 items and calls out "CHEMICAL BINGO" first is the winner.
- The teacher can also check if the student items have been crossed off correctly by comparing the student sheet with the Chemical Bingo call sheet.
All games and items are randomised so that each student has a unique bingo sheet.
The Teachers Bingo Call sheet has two sets of items for each game. The first set contains the items that are called to the students. The second set of items allows the teacher to easily check if a winning student has correctly crossed off each item.